September 28, 2010


This group exhibition opened on September 11 in the Discovery Gallery at the Alberta Craft Council in Edmonton. The idea for the show grew out of a casual conversation between a few people while on a cultural tour in the fall of 2009 to South Korea. The focus of the tour was on the Cheongju International Craft Biennale in which Canada was the guest country last year. The works presented at the show were all based on a shared experience but it was amazing how diverse our responses were in terms of the works that were inspired.  I was very honored and excited to be included in the grouping of artists which included myself and three other Calgary-based artists who all specialize in working with metal. Scroll down the screen to see my submitted works!

Recent Works on Exhibition

The following images are of the series of works I submitted for the exhibition entitled, INTANGIBLE CULTURAL ASSETS: Reflections of Korea. The exhibition runs from September 11 - October 30 in the Discovery Gallery at the Alberta Craft Council. The address is 10186 - 106th Street, Edmonton, AB.

This series, Tales from An Urban Journal, is whimsical and full of stories. The new is married to the old in compositions designed to evoke a narrative of the viewer’s choice. Removable art jewellery objects are camouflaged within the compositions. When they are being worn the composition is altered but still complete, though perhaps the story or the memory has changed…

Bird's Eye View - Front
Bird's Eye View -Back
Bird's Eye View - Removable Pin + pinback
Bird's Eye View - Front with pin removed and pinhole concealed by mini glass bottle
Peace Bird Lapel Pin with Diamond
Silver Tree - Front
Silver Tree - Back
Silver Tree - Removable Brooch

Bull's Eye - Front with Brooch removed
Bull's Eye - Brooch back concealed on underside
Bull's Eye Brooch and brooch back
Bull's Eye Brooch and brooch back
Bull's Eye - Back


In an effort to build my online presence and network and also to have a more informal and accessible place to share random ideas, pics and thoughts I finally decided to start a blog! It's been a decision in the making for a long time as it may seem like overkill to have a website, an Etsy store, a Facebook page and now a blog! However, I have determined that each of these stages has different benefits both for my work and for anyone who cares about it or is interested in it. I'm looking forward to this process and how it evolves!